Why YOU should do a headstand every .s.i.n.g.l.e. day.

I've always done things for myself .. I'm not one to not do something I want to do. I don't mean that in a greedy, self centred way. I mean it in a sense of self satisfaction. If I want to explore the world, I do, if I want to see my family, I do, to start a new hobby, go for a great meal, be outdoors, be indoors, work more, work less etc etc.
I live the BEST life {in my eyes anyway}.

That's all so amazing and everything has aided to my wellbeing and who I am today, but i haven't spent a huge portion of time or effort on WHY I love those things. Who am I at my core? What makes me feel most alive ?

I'm re becoming a 3 year old.

Why? Why? Why? Why?

So .. on this journey {blah, blah, blah} I'm getting in touch with . me . and WHY what I do makes me feel great.

physically, emotional, and spiritually.

I started attempting headstands late last year for fun and for health benefits. Now I can't say that it's changed my life, or that I've experienced some life altering benefits ... but I also haven't committed to a totally consistent practice until recently..
I can say... you will feel AMAZING.
What I can say from personal experience is that you can do a really good body scan when you consistently practice head stands. One day you may be on point and the next fall out of every one {like any consistent posture practice }. Your body and your mind is telling you something.

Are you distracted?
Are you too far from a wall too soon ;)?

Listen to your body. Heal it. 

If plain old feeling great and doing a super useful daily check - in on your wellbeing isn't good enough, here's some great benefits to this incredible daily inversion:

* A headstand is essentially a full body cleanse. It stimulates the lymphatic system to rid toxins from the body.
* Promotes oxygenated and nutrient rich blood to your head! {think of the potential}
* Focus on your breathing in this soothing posture to decrease stress and anxiety.
* Spinal and core stabilization training.
* reversing gravity in all areas: think fluid build up in your lower extremities, circulation to the brain and your beautiful face. Lift that face.
* stimulation of blood flow to your pituitary/ hypothalamus glands.
* Cleanse your digestive organs.
* Adrenal glands are flushed of toxins. Promoting some serious positive vibes.
* Promotes circulation and cardiovascular health.
* strengthening isometric core workout.. { as your progress see how your core strengthens and how much you trust it to hold you up - this is an exciting empowering feeling }

Now. This photo was my first (second because I fell out of my first) attempt at head standing away from a wall.. only because... well...  I have no reason to be away from a wall except for a great photo op .
No, but seriously.. if you're considering this for the first time. Be by a wall. Take your time. Even better have someone spot you. Don't attempt it if you're injured or think you're getting out of your own safety realm. There's other safe, effective ways of inverting yourself.

If that doesn't apply to you - get inverted.

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