In the mountains.
Okay. Canada is gorgeous.
We know this. All of us.
Vancouver Island especially.
The ocean is.
The evergreen trees are.
The fresh crisp salty air, the snowy mountain, the local laid back lifestyle is all so desirable.
That being said. . . .
I recently had one of those weekends that I never wanted to end. And I wasn't on Vancouver Island... I was in a a place that I could probably move to in a heart beat.
. Alberta .
Yeppppp, You heard me ...
If you haven't been to Canmore (specifically) ... or this area - which I have learned is called Bow Valley - do yourself a serious favour and get out there.
I have visited Banff in the past, and much of this area, but never in the winter. Let me tell you, this is a little slice of heaven and a perfect winter wonderland.
We talked a lot on this trip about gratitude. About being present and living an incredible life and learning to focus more on being internally grateful and practicing external gratitude.
This is definitely part of my life I am grateful for. Movement, nature, health and happiness!
Thank you universe.
Here’s what else I have been thinking lately..
Life is going to happen. You can’t escape that (welllll you can, but we won't go there).
There is a lot of unknowns and then there are some knowns. Why not, take life - and take all you’ve got and focus on creating the life you want? Many people are always waiting for tomorrow, or the future, or one day when we “have it all”..
Life is right now, life doesn't just happen in the future. Why not put all our efforts in to the knows now and create the life we want and be grateful now.
I am always in awe of what surrounds me, and who surround me. This weekend adventure I was grateful for my health and ability to move in a way that brings me great joy, fantastic welcoming friends, perfect weather, delicious food, and like minded adventurers!!!
Sunshine + Rainbows
my best like minded adventurer .
All the faces of a weekend away in the mountains ...
How many Pano's could one tourist take ... If one tourist could take Pano's?
Talk about the best company making a weekend away completely memorable .. and delicious
(all the food)
Fed like kings
This little beauty is lodge life living to a T. Couldn't be more fitting for the surrounding environment.