Just a girl and her Dog

talkin' bout' my girl 

This is a story about Suri and I going on a mini adventure

Okay. As I have to peel myself away from my current hilarious read, I am going to do a quick and late blog on a recent adventure I’ve had. First of all, I’m reading Andi Dorfman’s – Single state of mind and it’s absolutely hilarious. Highly recommend ladies. 

I’m pretty big on adventure. Not so much the spontaneous type only because I usually have my schedule planned months in advance. I’m not much of a daily planner when I’m away or a stickler for time frames but when I’m home I generally always have my next adventure planned, whether near or far.

So in May I took a little trip through BC to get away with Suri. We loaded the car and bike and headed to check out the Kettle Valley Rail Trail. I had read about it online, 80 km, mostly a decline, from Kelowna to Penticton, through wine country. This is totally my kind of ride. Well Suri can’t do 80 km in one go, so I just went to check it out on each end to see if it’s something I would set up to do the whole thing – as I’d have to leave her at home or get a dog sitter for the day.

We covered a lot of km by car, bike and walking. I had it tallied up and had counted my steps at the time, but this is over  a month late and all those numbers are long gone from the old brain bin so I’ll say .. I love the drive through the interior and the Coquihalla. I love trips with Suri. Turns out my car is great for car camping. And turns out the Kettle Valley Rail trail is absolutely stunning and I’ll totally be back to do the whole thing. And hopefully indulge in some wineries with great views at the end.

Othello Tunnels - Hope, BC.

Two funny stories first:

I guess I forgot to tell my dad I was going on this trip. That happens. Sometimes we see each other a lot and keep in touch about everything and other times we don’t. Which I guess was what happened leading up to this trip because he had no clue and asked me what I was doing and I said biking and camping in my car in Kelowna and I got a phone call about how I’m putting myself at risk and how unsafe this was, so on and so forth as a random child in the campground climbed all over my car and Suri. I tried to explain I was in a legitimate campsite and not in the mountains but that didn’t seem to compute because the next day I talked to my grandma who was equally concerned about my irresponsible behaviour – who I also informed that I had stayed in a campground and not in the forest.

Second, I’m a super skilled biker (notttt)... I am so skilled that I rode my bike for over a month with a seized brake. I have an easy on/off front tire so I popped it off to load my bike in the car for the trip. When I put it back on and started my pretty easy bike ride I could not BELIEVE how out of shape I felt. I told myself, maybe it’s because I’m up in the mountain but this is so difficult and I actually don’t enjoy the ride (the scenery, yes). I continued to bike like this for an entire month before I finally was thinking “Like, come on, I hate biking, I feel like I’m constantly riding against resistance”… Well, I was. The front brake was seized on. Once I got the break off and working properly, I realized I once again – love biking. 

Always beautiful ferry rides to the mainland

sticks > life

Into Kelowna


The Start of the KVR

oh hayyyyy.

sorry, this is all about Suri!

Stunning views !! 

Some fun tunnels at the beginning of the KVR

Penticton!!! Did i mention i'm moving here? So beautiful

Always so sleepy after big adventures

End of our Kelowna side of KVR - beat the rain & sucking at selfies.

Can't beat this view

Happy Rescues are the best Rescuesss

Car by day

Car by night.

Penticton End

i spy with my little eye

my dream house when I move to Penticton .... dreams

Goodbye Penticton - I will be back !! 
Sunsets Heading back to the ferry

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