. i hope you don't mind, that i put down in words, how wonderful life is .

Abundance. Plentiful. Rich.

These are words I would continuously use to explain the overflowing amount of fantastic in my life. These words would still not do it justice. I am always overwhelmed with emotion when it comes to my life. My family, my friends, my surroundings, my career, living in Canada, travelling around the world.... I could go on and on. It's actually indescribable. I am blessed, I am grateful, I am living every moment and savouring it.
I am however, while living every moment, struggling to keep up on blogging, which I also love so dearly.
Here are some - lost but not forgotten - photos from my trips to Ontario in the fall (prior to Thailand) and this spring (post holidays). I am so looking forward to visiting again this fall, the familiar faces, scents. The feeling of arriving and stepping off the airplane at the Hamilton airport, so much amazingness.

Afternoon Market

an apple a day keeps the doctor away

Antique window shopping is another adventure we love down on Ottawa Street. 
So much history, so much beauty, so much to imagine. 

Books; what more could anyone ask for


Uncle Peter exploring

Uncle Peter's cottage is in Long Point on Lake Erie. Spending time in Long Point at the cottage is always so peaceful and very beautiful. It's similar to a fairy tale, or travelling far away. Sandy beaches, the sounds of the waves, birds singing, flowers, cool breeze. No time limit. No schedules. Just visiting and enjoying the company and the bliss. 

A Little bit of history: Easterbrooks, still serving, still looking beautiful. Dating back to when my parents were my age.

 {.Grandma's yard. }
{ Magic }

Jake... who could not love this little face.


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